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Adorable white bear shaped dessert "Shirokuma" shaved ice from Kagoshima

Picture courtesy of ©︎天文館むじゃき

Written by ShalomAA

Translated by A. Carnegie

15.6.2020 (Re:9.2.2022)


Shirokuma, which translates “White Bear” is a very popular Kagoshima dessert. This white “ice cream” dessert is a freshly shaved, finely textured ice, topped with plenty of condensed milk, honey and fruit. It has a diameter of approximately 15cm and a height of 17cm to 18cm.

There are several theories about the origin of Shirokuma, which many people adore as a summer tradition in southern Kyushu, but in Kagoshima city “Tenmonkan Mujaki” is famous as a store that gave rise to Shirokuma.

Let’s discover the secret of the delight of the popular white bear.



 1. The origin of the Shirokuma

 2. Why is it called a Shirokuma?

 3. “Shirokuma” and much more

 4. “Handy Shirokuma”

 5. Taste at home




1. The origin of the Shirokuma “White Bear”


Picture courtesy of ©︎天文館むじゃき


Shirokuma is said to have been created in 1947 by Takeshi Kubo, the founder of “Tenmonkan Mujaki”. At that point, it started with a simple shaved ice covered in white syrup and red syrup. For the birth of the Shirokuma he got a first clue by including strawberries and sprinkling it with milk, then he tried condensed milk and it was too sweet, so he decided to create a unique recipe for milk syrup that makes Shirokuma delicious. Currently, various types of fruit and white beans are used, which makes it even more original.



2. Why is it called a Shirokuma?


Picture courtesy of ©︎天文館むじゃき


With the intention of giving color to the dessert already covered with the new homemade milk syrup, he added raisins, cherries and angelica, the appearance was similar to that of a white bear, hence the name Shirokuma. (“白” Shiro = white / “熊” kuma = bear)

This image is the first Shirokuma, it definitely looks like a polar bear with a very cute expression. In the Tenmonkan Mujaki shop, during the Shirokuma Anniversary celebration, you can enjoy this dessert from that time for a limited time.



3. “Shirokuma” and much more


Picture courtesy of ©︎天文館むじゃき


The Shirokuma has many brothers? Friends? In other words, there are many types besides the traditional shirokuma, for example the “Shirokuma Pudding” (top left of the photo) resembles a white bear with a hat, there is also the “Nankai no Kurokuma” (top right of the photo), the meaning of “kurokuma” is “black bear” which is covered in black honey, kinako (soy flour), shiromochi (white rice balls), white beans and fruits.



4. The “Shirokuma” that you can eat while walking “Handy Shirokuma”


Picture courtesy of ©︎天文館むじゃき


Previously, Shirokuma could only be eaten in shops and restaurants, but lately with “Handy Shirokuma”, it can be eaten outside as if it were an ice cream while touring the city or when taking a break in the park with family or friends.



5. “Shirokuma” to take away and taste at home


Picture courtesy of ©︎天文館むじゃき


There are various types of Shirokuma and enjoying these delicious desserts in the summer has become a tradition in Kagoshima. Today their popularity is so high that you can find these ice creams in supermarkets and convenience stores across the country. The “Tenmonkan Mujaki” store delivers throughout Japan. Do not stay with the desire to enjoy a delicious Shirokuma in this hot season.



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Written by ShalomAA

Translated by A. Carnegie



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